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How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?

How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?

Have you been feeling exhausted lately, despite getting what you think is a full night's sleep? Are you tired of hearing your partner complain about your loud snoring? These could be signs of an incredibly common sleep disorder called sleep apnea.

About 30 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea, but how do you know if you’re one of them? Our team at Boston Neurobehavioral Associates is here to help. We offer counseling for sleep disorders both virtually and in person, and here we provide some of the most common symptoms to look for.

Watch for the common symptoms of sleep apnea

To better understand if you might have sleep apnea, look for common symptoms like:

Loud snoring

As many as 94% of people with sleep apnea snore, making loud and persistent snoring a hallmark symptom. Occasional snoring can happen to anyone — especially for those who sleep on their backs — but chronic and disruptive snoring could indicate an underlying issue like sleep apnea.

Episodes of breathing interruption

Another telltale sign of sleep apnea is breathing interruptions while you sleep. These pauses in breathing, known as apneas, can last from several seconds to a minute or longer. You may wake up abruptly choking or gasping for air or feeling short of breath. However, some people with sleep apnea aren’t aware of these episodes unless someone else witnesses them.

Excessive daytime sleepiness

Sleep apnea keeps you from getting quality, restful sleep. So, despite spending what seems like plenty of time in bed, you may wake up feeling unrefreshed and excessively sleepy during the day.

This persistent daytime fatigue can interfere with daily activities, work performance, and overall quality of life. If you find yourself struggling to stay awake or nodding off during quiet moments, it could be a sign of sleep apnea.

Morning headaches

Frequently waking up in the morning with a headache can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Repeated breathing disruptions and drops in oxygen levels associated with sleep apnea can lead to headaches upon waking.

Many people with sleep apnea describe these headaches as dull, aching pain. While the pain typically improves as the day progresses, it often returns the following morning.

Why you should see a doctor if you’re worried about sleep apnea

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? If so, come into our office for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Untreated sleep apnea can have serious consequences for your health, including an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and even accidents due to daytime sleepiness.

A healthcare professional can do a sleep study to assess your sleep patterns and determine if you have sleep apnea. Treatment options typically involve continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy or an oral appliance to keep your airways clear while you sleep.

Counseling can also play a role in managing sleep apnea. Behavioral and lifestyle changes, like weight loss, smoking cessation, and improving sleep hygiene, can significantly improve your symptoms and overall well-being. At Boston Neurobehavioral Associates, our team offers professional support and guidance to help you make these changes successfully.

Sleep apnea is common, and learning to recognize the signs is the first step toward protecting your health and well-being. Learn more about managing sleep disorders and schedule your first appointment with our team at Boston Neurobehavioral Associates today.

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